乳胶滴进水龙头的碗里. 推荐买球平台有一个橡胶屑加工设备, third-party sourcing of natural rubber and a joint venture plantation in Gabon.


    In 2012 we partnered with the Government of the Republic of Gabon in a joint venture to manage a concession area of 37,000公顷的橡胶种植园.

    Olam Rubber Gabon, 推荐几个足彩外围app与加蓬政府60:40的合资企业, 种植了近11棵,000公顷的高产树木,推荐几个足彩外围app正在保护另外的25公顷,000 ha (over 68% of total concession area) of High Conservation Value forest, buffer zones, 湿地及村庄用地. 

    Our long-term success depends on ensuring local populations have strong agricultural and agronomic skills. 推荐几个足彩外围app致力于提供有益的, stable employment, and training for populations with otherwise limited opportunities for growth.

    推荐几个足彩外围app的1200名员工中95%是加蓬人,五分之一是女性. 推荐几个足彩外围app也为苗圃管理人员提供培训, 人工林维护与质量, 环境、健康和安全问题.

    比塔姆周边的25个村庄, Bikondom and Minvoul have been included in freely negotiated Social Contracts, 通过自由事先知情同意程序建立. 社会契约包括作出贡献的承诺, 招募本地人口, 社会基础设施, 支持小规模农业.

    Rubber Locations

    We have partnered with the Government of the Republic of Gabon in a 60:40 Joint Venture to manage 37,000 hectares. To date, Olam Rubber Gabon has planted 11,000 hectares and is protecting around 25,000 hectares.

    The development of the plantation is in line with the Government’s proposed National Land Use Plan as it seeks to develop an economy less dependent on fossil fuels, 以及提供私营部门就业机会. However, 发展农业, Gabon has the challenge that more than 85% of its land is covered by forest. Of the remaining non-forested land, much of it is swamp or infertile. Through the plan, Gabon has identified sufficient areas of highly degraded forests and abandoned fallows to meet its needs, while preserving and sustainably managing all of its high conservation value and high carbon stock and old-growth forests.

    We’ve achieved ISO14001 certification for environmental management for our rubber operations. The OPG rubber concession lies within an area of abandoned agricultural fallows and mixed secondary forests, 在被宽阔的山峦所分割的丘陵地带, 平坦的沼泽和河流. We conducted an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment in 2011, 哪一个在准备土地前进行了公众咨询. 作为这些调查的结果, 推荐几个足彩外围app确定了11个,在较平的山上有000公顷可耕种的土地, 只要有可能,就喜欢用藤条擦洗, 但也包括一些次生林地区. The best-quality habitats (maturing and high-biomass forests) – as well as all wetlands – have been protected in an extensive, well connected network of core habitat and buffer zones (approximately 13,400公顷受保护的陆地森林, 包括村庄使用面积(318公顷)和9公顷,500公顷的沼泽森林和湿地). The ratio of protected ecosystems is approximately 68% of the concession. A strict no-hunting policy has been put in place to ensure that these forests gradually recover from historical overhunting. 



    推荐几个足彩外围app分配了9美元.600万用于社会投资, 已经生产了625盏太阳能灯, 45个液压泵, 村庄的道路通行和学校的修复. 在社会契约之外, ORG还设立了一个社会基金, 由类似的三方委员会管理, 持续支援社区发展计划. 

    Talk to Our Team

    Whether you’re interested in speaking to our country management team, 询问推荐几个足彩外围app的产品或与推荐几个足彩外围app合作, 推荐几个足彩外围app想听听你的意见.
